Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The first days

I've been in London for two days now and I'm finding my way around pretty well. Of course making some minor and enourmously embarassing mistakes, such as totally butting in line - to the very front - to get a tube ticket as I didn't see there was a mass amount of people lined up politely behind me. Then using the Emergency Exit at the BUNAC office, which was clearly and blatantly signed so, because I was so nervous and decided not to read the signs but just go through the first door I saw... bad plan. Loud alarms. OH and cameras to boot, so they caught the whole thing on tape, yeah! But I expected to be making stupid mistakes like that, though I still feel like an idiot.

Anyways, I went to orientation yesterday and that was great, met with other people on the program, went to lunch with this one guy, Richard, then got a cell phone and went back to BUNAC to job hunt. After that I met up with Richard and his friend Ryan and we had dinner, then took in a play by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, "A Brief History of America". It was great! Then came back to the hostel and went to bed before anyone else.. I feel like a little old lady. But my excuse is that I'm still adjusting to the time.. so there. Well better go do more job hunting.

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