Friday, June 03, 2005

Home is where the...

I'm back in Kharkov. Darren is back in Epsom. Life continues ("as it has for many an age"... figure it out - hint: LOTR:FOTR). I've moved out of babushka's so don't, repeat DON'T send any packages or letters there. If you have already no worries. I'm now in an even older and sketchier flat. I think it's the equivalent of rent control in Ukraine, but at least I don't have to fuss about with cranky grandmothers. I might in fact move yet again to a newer place with a student but that has yet to be decided. For now, just wanted to inform you all that I had an amazing time last week and stories of Darren's and my adventures are coming. Stay tuned - as always - and take care!

1 comment:

Family Sleuther said...

Glad you had a good time, and am looking forward to the stories. Good luck with the new living situation(s).