Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cop-out Blog

Well, this is going to be short and bitter. (Not everyone likes sweets you know.) I'm alive and well and currently residing in Abingdon with Darren. We pretty much have things set up, except a television (I'm going through the shakes and withdrawals right now) and internet access at home (thus the recent lack of communication because my lazy bum couldn't make it to go to the library during it's short opening hours in order to wait forever for 20 minutes of internet time). Therefore pictures and stories of the insane amount of travel covered in the past few weeks will be postponed until such time as I am inspired to transcribe it all (i.e. when I stop wondering at the weirdness of the town "centre" closing and and being deserted at 5pm and start working on all the tons of things that need to be accomplished). Until then... as they say in Ukraine: poterpi! No, not potpourri!! Poterpi - suffer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse to keep us waiting this long for an update! Go to the library woman!