When asked why I chose to move to Northern Ireland from a land of sun and warm weather, I usually jokingly reply that I was exiled from Colorado due to my predilection for cloudy and rainy weather. There is then the obligatory aghast looks and the reply "Well then, you've come to the right place!" But more often than not I feel my statement really doesn't sink in to the questioner's view of the world (that in fact
everyone loves the sun and heat and no one could actually possibly prefer the rain compared to that). This week in Stockholm and reconfirmed for me (and confirmed very emphatically from Melanie's point of view) that I not only to I prefer rain and cloud cover but I actually have a very deep antagonistic relationship to the sun. It annoys me intensely. Most often I loathe it. I try to hide/run/cover from it but it seems to seek me out to induce more pain and anguish upon me. Melodramatic much? No. Ask Mel. Really, there are no words for this relationship so I will end with a picture (worth a thousand, I hear...)
This is how I feel when I venture out into the sunlight: